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Client Testimonials

Anita Pirrone, ARM, SHRM-CP, PHR

Vice President of Human Resources and Risk Management at U.S. Facilities, Inc.

"What is great about My Pocket P&C, is that it not only provides me with invaluable current industry publications and news but also serves as a single access point to my past and current year’s policy documents.  Having a portal that allows me to access necessary information is vital.  While traveling to various project locations, I utilize My Pocket P&C on my phone to get access to urgent contact information, and make sure our Project Managers are asking all the right questions and gathering the pertinent details after a risk event occurs."

Richard Pcihoda

Director of Risk Management at PREIT

"What a GREAT way to consolidate resources for the active risk manager who is out in the field!


My Pocket P&C is excellent for the active Risk Manager. Our role as a property manager often requires our Risk Management staff to respond to situations at a remote location under difficult conditions. Having My Pocket P&C on an iPad and/or iPhone allows us to bring the entire library of risk management resources directly to the scene when they are needed most. No longer do we need to carry bags of policies and large laptop computers with heavy power cords. Imagine the look of the claim adjuster when you are able to negotiate, a few clicks/swipes and have a policy, endorsement or form available right at the scene!  Previously, insecure cloud storage and self-emailing was the only way to have access to your urgent materials out in the field. My Pocket P&C provides a much more secure solutions. We intend to fully utilize the website as our portal to critical insurance documents while in the field. Additionally, there are other resources available including news updates from the “must read” news groups, carriers and service providers such as Zywave."

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